Wednesday, July 15, 2015

go suck it

steve king.

representative steve king (representative of what?  western iowa or a "big ball of hate" ?)  should be pimping trump this cycle, what with their shared rascist anti-immigration policy.

and now he's set his crosshairs on defending bigots' freedom to exercise their bigotry in the wake of the supreme courts ruling that gay marriage will be recognized nationally.  king ass says the ruling "unconstitutionally and indefensibly perverts the defintion of marriage" so he has proposed a resolution that businesses, religious institutions, cities and states and other close-minded like minded bigots should be "encouraged, empowered and protected to exercise their faith without fear of legal or government interference".

how in the world would selling a doughnut to a gay couple hurt the proprietor?  if it does isn't that more a perversion of capitalism than marriage?  if i'm around for the caucus in february i'm going to propose a resolution about steve king that i hope makes it to the state convention declaring steve king "king ass".

1 comment:

keggert said...

Steve King, Joni Ernst, Terry Branstad...Scott Walker...Bruce Rauner... some scary elected officials in the midwest! I don't know which is worse -- their values/beliefs or the fact that they were elected.