Saturday, October 25, 2014

birfday partay

dunno what year this was but likely 2012. posting it cuz i found it in my drafts. it's my birthday today, i wish i had it in me to wax poetic about it, like my fellow march seconder theodore geisel could. but what's poetic about waiting for test results? perhaps a hailku-

sunshine blew my mind
public enemy for me
but not the kimchi

there you have it. "don't quit your day job"

39th Street and Stage 4

i drank like a fish last night. i don't really know how i'm functioning. i've been paralyzed by my life for the past year and find myself in the bottom of a bottle almost daily. it doesn't help. it's not even interesting. i am interested in writing and so am making the effort to do so by continuing what i started 5 years ago with this blog. i'm not sure what it will be other than an exercise to curtail this insatiable thirst to numb my head through drink. so welcome back nic, let's hoist one up and celebrate. wink.