Wednesday, June 24, 2015

yep, i can now add this to my skills set

don't bother watching these vids if you don't have a fitted sheet in your hand, it will be lost on you.  there is something really satisfying about being able to do this.  almost meditative.  of all the things i could be writing about, this is what i've chosen to put out there.  so go, get a fitted sheet and give it a go.

first watch martha shame an audience member:

i tried but failed.  then poor man's ozzy osbourne came along and said,

"Have you watched the most viewed video on how to fold a fitted sheet and still can't do it?"

i nodded yes, and looked at my sheet blob and vowed not to give up.  if ozzy osbourne and the dead oxiclean yelling guy made a sandwich it would be this guy.  I think you will thank me.


game changer.

drop the mic.