Monday, February 27, 2012


my last entry was about two months before michael jackson od'd, and i was diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma. what a difference 3 years makes.

or not.

here's the difference: i got married. i married the man i fell in love with upon first introduction about 7 or 8 years ago. we just married last month.

here's what's unfortunately the same: fast forward 3 years and i'm once again unemployed AND a couple of weeks ago the docs found melainmynoda. which means melanoma is once again detected in my lymph nodes, albeit a single node.

oh and here's another similarity: another black pop star od'd, whitney. everytime a black pop star dies, i get melanoma. so if stevie wonder ends up in the hospital, i'm goin' to get a check up.

fast forward to today: recovering from surgical removal of melanoma-node, which apparently is/was the size of a marble. good news? there is ned (no evidence of disease) anywhere else in my body. and on the same good news note, i think i'm gonna start blahging again. i don't think i could handle writing about cancer 24/7, that's what therapy is for, so please don't worry all 3 readers, i will try to make this semi-entertaining although stage 3 melanoma is just 1 stage away from stage 4 and there are no more stages.

oh and one other difference is that i live on 36th st now, not 26th st. life is in the details. but i intend to keep the same title.

1 comment:


wow you got some shit on your plate.Won't say anything more but "I love you." Saying alot from a cranky old man.