Monday, November 3, 2008

Gotsta git him in the white house

Bringing in Iowa's vote harvest
Kerry, Bush supporters make all-out effort
By Tom Curry
National affairs writer
updated 2:46 p.m. CT, Fri., Oct. 29, 2004

So four years ago I was featured canvassing in this article which isn't a great article by any means except that it says that I graduated from Drake which made my mom proud even if it wasn't true. But that launched my short career into politics and I've never canvassed for free, ever, and some might say I made a pretty decent living at it, canvassing er rather running canvasses that is until I got canned. Which is the impetus for this blahg, but I will explore causation of cannededness amongst other things under future posts titled "what I've done for weed, and how I got fired".

But back to canvassing. I will be volunteering all day tomorrow, canvassing. And then I plan on concocting a champagne punch. Now if for some reason tomorrow doesn't go as I and most of my friends hope, well then it might be the karmic wheel biting me in the ass for raking my neighbor's leaves back into their yard today. Or not.

Just got word that Obama's grandma died. Does that mean nobody from his family besides Michelle and the girls and an estranged aunt and brother know that he will be our next President?

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