Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So I just completed this online "assessment test" of my potential skills or lack thereof with customers. And one thing it made me realize is how ineffective I was at dealing with my former boss. Lessons learned from a fucking corporate test. One of the questions went something like this:

When dealing with a co-worker that is disagreeable you ususally do this:
a) tattle on him to your supervisor
b) tell him that it hurts your feelings that he is such a dick
c) try to find the root of his problems (like what, mommy didn't love me enuf?)
d) ask to not be scheduled with him

Here's what it should of asked:
When dealing with a co-worker that is disagreeable you usually do this:
a) talk shit about him
b) place fake poop on his keyboard with a note attached saying next time you will light it on fire
c) tattle on him to your supervisor
d) let the air out of his tires

I mean fuck me. But there are other prospects.........

You know how sometimes you choose certain things and you're not sure why, it just feels right at the time and later you have this discovery of why? After the corporate cubicle test I was bathing the evil off of me and I thought how appropriate the picture that I chose for this blog profile is.

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